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  • Writer's pictureLisa

Drowning in work and life

Updated: Apr 30, 2020

It's been a crazy start to the year for so many of us. I hope this post finds you and your family all safe and well.

I've had some truly amazing news in the last few weeks. The most recent being that Ghost Bird was named on the CBCA's 2020 Notables List! Still not sure that's sunk in yet lol.

Also, the cover has been long listed for the Australian Book Design Awards 2020! Got all my fingers and toes crossed for the uber-talented Jo Hunt. I fell in love with the cover the second I saw it, and I'm so happy she's being recognised for her hard work.

I've also had some not great news, but I'm kind of a private person (also why I find it hard to blog) and don't like to share much of my personal life. Suffice it to say my family is good. The PhD is slowly torturing me to death, largely because I have a bad case of second book syndrome, but I am also good ;o)

I've got loads of events coming up this year for Ghost Bird. Scary things like writers' festivals that I've never been to and am quietly freaking out about. The first one off the rank is the Somerset Storyfest, which is now fast descending on me. I hear amazing things about it, but when has good information ever stopped me from panicking?

The other events are still embargoed so keep an eye out! I'm going to make an effort with the events section, if you want to show some support I'd love to see some kind faces in the audience.

I do have a present for you guys. It came about because I've had a few questions about if Ghost Bird will be made into an audiobook. The short answer is I have no idea. But in the midst of the new year madness, I tried to find some positives. So I recorded myself reading the opening chapters and I'm posting it now for your aural pleasure.

You'll note the lack of info on the new updates and current events. I recorded it in January so it's now dated, it just took a while to get approval to post it - totally understandable given how nuts this year has already been!

Before you listen, I did want to say that I keep referring to 'my editor', and I should have named the fabulous Kristina Schultz, whom I adore and who had those big structural conversations with me. You can all thank her for how well the book shaped up.

Okay so here it is. I'd love to hear what you think!

EDIT: Because people were finding this difficult to locate, and the tech wasn't working properly on my site anyway, I've created a page just for Ghost Bird, and you can find the audio on there.

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