This section lists collective works that are (or were) printed in hardcopies that I have pieces in. There are a few more areas I've written in, check out the Read More tab. As I scroll down, I see my journey as a writer. If you want to learn more about a publication, click on the cover. And if it isn't clickable, then there is no further information.
Too Deadly: our voice, our way, our business

The second collection by Us Mob Writing was published in 2017. A collection of poems and short stories crossing various genres, the diversity of the group is on show. I have eight poems in this collection.
Hometown Haunts: #LoveOzYA Horror Tales
This #LoveOzYA anthology - the first to focus entirely on horror - unites a stellar cast of Australia's finest YA authors with talented new and emerging voices, including two graphic artists. I have a short story in here, 'Don't Look', which went on to win two 2021 Aurealis Awards (whee!).
Griffith Review 75: Learning Curves
Griffith Review is a quarterly literary journal. Every edition explores a different theme, bringing together long-form critical and analytical non-fiction and creative writing from the finest emerging and established writers from Australia and overseas. My piece in this edition, 'Following the song', explores my struggles with my PhD.
Kuracca: Us Mob Writing First Nations Voices
Kuracca is a multi-lingual anthology featuring eleven Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women writing poetry, prose, songs and stories about their unique lives. Named in honour of Aunty Kerry Reed-Gilbert, and pulled together by her niece, Marissa McDowell, I'm proud to have 14 pieces in here.
From the Other Side
Produced in association with the ACCA exhibition of the same name in 2023-24. This publication casts a lens upon feminist, queer, and non-binary subjectivities to consider the transgressive pleasures and liberations of horror, as makers, masters and consumers of the genre. My piece is 'Happy birthday'.
Griffith Review 86: Leaps of Faith
Griffith Review is a quarterly literary journal. Every edition explores a different theme, bringing together long-form critical and analytical non-fiction and creative writing from the finest emerging and established writers from Australia and overseas. My piece in this edition, 'Auburn Falls', explores faith, grief and family.
By Close of Business

An anthology of poetry, short stories and images by Us Mob Writing members completed in 2013. With a foreword by Aunty Kerry Reed-Gilbert, this was my first experience working with an editorial group. I have six poems in this collection.
Unlimited Futures: Speculative, Visionary Blak+Black Fiction
Unlimited Futures is an anthology of speculative, visionary fiction from 21 emerging and established First Nations writers and Black writers, reflecting visionary pasts, hopeful futures and the invisible ties between First Nations people and Black people. I have a piece called 'History repeating'.
Open Secrets: essays on the writings life
In Open Secrets, Australian writers reflect upon the material conditions that give rise to their writing practice. What is it that writers do with their days? My piece is called, 'Fight or Flight'... very appropriate for my writing process lol.