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Other Pubs and Projects
I seem to always be doing something and exploring random ideas or playing with some new form or idea I'm struggling with. The majority of that work is in the Collections tab, but for the pieces that don't fit that section, here are some of my work you can access online:
Kill Your Darlings, 'Why Culturally Aware Reviews Matter'
Sydney Review of Books Writers, 'Fight or Flight'
Feminartsy, 'Story ends, is, begins'
I've also written a few pieces for Cengage education pack, Our land, our stories : Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, histories and cultures (bits and bobs in the upper and lower primary area).
I was lucky to take part in the creation of the exhibition, Kamberra: Many Nations, One Country with the uber-talented Marissa McDowell at the fabulous Belconnen Arts Centre. And I've even done a podcast for AIATSIS, Blak in Books.
I've also typeset a couple of books for treasured friends, and designed the logo for Us Mob Writing, the First Nations Australian Writers Network and Jelyar Jewellery.
I've always thought the best thing you can do for creativity, and for life in general, is to play.